Humans are hardwired to resist change. Part of the brain, the amygdala, interprets change as a threat and releases the hormones for fear, fight, or flight. However, crystals can help you overcome those fears, for smooth transitions, resolution, new beginnings, growth and success.
Feeling sceptical?: Talisman have been used for thousands of years, to procure the wearer with their desire, so whether you can get down with the idea that the crystals can help you, or not, wearing a talisman and placing total belief in its ability to “help” you, is a positive step in your brain that will help you overcome the difficulties we have, as humans, with “change”.
Personally, I can totally get down with the idea that crystals can manifest the results I want, but I have never wanted a quick-fix from them, and I am also not expecting to sit on my arse, grab a crystal, and become a millionaire over-night!
If you are prepared to work hard in the physical realm, add crystals to your toolbox – then place belief in them and yourself and the universe hear you and manifest your desires.

Feeling low? At a crossroads?

1.Select one of the crystals on this website & check out which chakra it associates with.
2.Download our FREE chakra guide today!
“Empower & enable” yourself to:
- Make sense of where you are at
- Take a positive step
- Make better choices
Find time for “you”!
15 Crystals that can help deal with "change"
I have chosen 15 crystals for you that procure the following 5 qualities, however they are all great crystal stones for helping you through “change”, as change can bring different responses each day.
I’m just changing job roles and I know that as the “start day” for the new job comes closer my low esteem will “pop up to haunt me” and I’ll think I’m not clever enough. Then other days, I’ll feel vulnerable, which is all a natural response to change.
Take a look at Rock’n Crystals video below, as they overview some crystals that are great for new beginnings.
I would suggest you scan the images and choose the crystal you are drawn to rather than forcing the match. Also check out my Beginners guide to 10 chakra crystals blog, which has a section called Beginners guide for using crystals.
- Smooth transition
- Resolution
- New beginnings
- Growth
- Success
Crystal stones: For smooth transitions
Smoky quartz crystal stone: Smoky Quartz blocks negative energy and can even transmute it to positive energy, which makes it perfect for smooth transitions and promoting positive pragmatic thoughts. See my Beginners guide to 10 chakra crystals, for more information on smokey quartz.
Smoky quartz is grounding and stabilising, as it is associated with the root chakra, keeping you strong and focused whilst you are smoothly transitioning.

Shungite crystal stones: As a stone of “transformation”, shungite will help you with the mental and emotional issues that “transitioning” will bring up.
Shungites grounding and stabilising influence, which will work with the root chakra, will smoothly transition you and also keep you balanced.
Amethyst crystal stone: Amethyst is one of the master healer crystal stones and as such will heal at all levels – body, mind and spirit, which is why it is useful for smooth transitions.
Amethyst is also the stone of intuition and this comes with gentle pure energy which will nurture you and help you to sleep well, which we often don’t when we are transitioning to a new life or situation.
Amethyst crystal stone is also a great stone for “personal growth” as it will help you tune into your intuition.
See my Mystical purple crystal stones blog for more amethyst facts.

Crystal stones: For resolution

Rose quartz crystal stone: Rose quartz brings you extra support and nurturing in times of vulnerability making it perfect when you are working towards a resolution.
Rose Quartz is also associated with the heart chakra and unconditional love, so if you need to promote the love of self, this is for you.
Read more on my Red crystals: Dark, light, clear & pink crystal meanings & uses blog.
Peacock ore crystal stone (Chalcopyrite): Peacock ore crystals dispel negativity, and bolster you with positive vibes making it the perfect stone for resolution and change.

Bronzite crystal stone: Because bronzite will ground you, fear, self-doubt and insecurity will be kept at bay whilst you find resolution and transition from the old way to the new.
Not making great choices?

1.Select one of the crystals on this website & check out which chakra it associates with.
2.Download our FREE chakra guide today!
3. Realise what is holding you back
Find yourself and:
- Learn how to bring energy to the chakra that is causing the issue
- Start working towards “your” solution.
Life live on “your own” terms!
Crystal stones: For new beginnings
Moss Agate crystal stone: Moss Agate offer strength and protection for new beginnings, and imbue the wearer with positivity.
They are also good for attraction energy, which can be used to manifest your new beginning.

Botswana agate crystal stone: Botswana Agate is associated with “change”, so is great for helping you see the positive side when new beginnings happen.
Like all other agates, it is also a stone of strength and protection, so Botswana agate will help you stay on track for your new beginning, and not be thwarted by others who could hold you back.
Crystal stones: For growth
Chrysocolla crystal stone: Chrysocolla is a stone of communication and inner truth, so will help with personal growth.
For people with low self-esteem being able to ‘speak your truth’ with compassion and intention, will go a long way towards building self-esteem and therefore growth.

Howlite crystal stone: Howlite is perfect for “growth”, as it can help you break bad habits reduce any stress or anxiety that can occur during times of change.
The howlite stone will give you a newfound sense of awareness, you can read more of the qualities of the howlite crystal stone in my White & clear crystals meanings blog.
Labradorite crystal stone: Looking for guidance during times of change and personal growth?
The labradorite crystal is associated with the throat, crown and third eye chakras, and as such will boost your intuition and willpower.
For further information about this beautiful stone, check out my Blue crystals meanings & cool facts blog.

Feel like something is missing?

1.Select one of the crystals on this website & check out which chakra it associates with.
2.Download our FREE chakra guide today!
3. Find deeper spiritual meaning in your day to day life.
Work with your chakra energies to balance you and:
- Gain better health
- Find peace in your mind
- Top-up your energies daily
Find deeper spiritual meaning in your day to day life
Crystal stones: For success

Clear quartz crystal stone: As a master healer clear quartz brings clarity so that you can focus on your goals. It will also cleanse you at spirit level of negative energy.
With all of your negative emotional energy dispersed the clear quartz will illuminate your deepest wishes and desires, expanding your consciousness so that you can achieve your goals.
Read more about the clear quartz in my blog: Clear quartz crystal stone: The master healer, it is definitely worth adding this to your collection and can also help you manifest your desires.
Citrine crystal stone: Citrine is a stone of abundance and adds to your personal power, bringing success to the wearer. It is a useful stone to use for manifestation.
With the citrine stone, you will feel more centred and confident, as it is associated with the sacral and solar plexus chakra.
When you release fears your motivation will increase, and you will enable success. Read more in my Yellow crystal stones: Traits, chakras, healing & relationships blog.

Malachite crystal stone: Calms frayed nerves and invokes deep healing, malachite wants to protect and support your healthiest and happiest self, which is why I have placed it in this section as it will enable you to find and have a healthy relationship with the success you achieve.
Malachite is a strong protection stone too, read more on my 10 Green crystals for your heart connection blog.
Jade crystal stone: By unblocking the heart chakra, jade will reduce the resistance we have to receive what we need and love.
Jade has been associated with luck for centuries and will enable you to believe in your success and thus manifest it.
Read more about the jade crystal in my 10 Green crystals for your heart connection blog.

Thanks for reading my blog.
Namaste x