You can manifest your dream life and desires with positive energy and, most importantly, clear intentions. It’s really not as far-fetched as people think.
I will talk about ‘love’ to illustrate this aspect. I had a clear goal and believed in it when I last used a dating website and this brought me the man that I have been wanting for and deserve. I was immediately attracted to him like there was a magnetic pull, and I can tell you it took some getting used to after so many failed relationships, but our love for each other grows each day.
Manifest love

Having a clearly defined goal is important or you will be limiting your chances. Before I wrote my profile on the dating website, I made a list of all the attributes I wanted my chap to have, and frankly non of these involved his looks.
If you have an attraction to a particular ’type’ of person that’s fine, but if your goal is to find a person that is a ‘keeper’, then you need to focus on the bigger picture to start with and splash a few of the characteristics you are attracted to in there, as you expand the thought process.
Choose qualities and really think about why you have chosen those qualities as this is a part of making an affirmation for yourself.
The qualities I chose are below:
Dependable – will be there for me and drop everything to come to my aid.
Attentive – interested in me and a complete gentleman.
Stable – won’t panic and run off at the first sign of trouble.
Solvent – he doesn’t have to be rich, but must be good with his finances.
What is your goal?
There is nothing wrong with going deep into what your goal is, as frankly until you start writing it down you won’t have a full realisation, so you will be limiting the chances of success. The realisation for me, when I wrote the above down, was that I was looking for a forever partner so that is what I needed to believe in.
With this clear plan, you can give the universe a clear indication of who you want, or what you want, and show gratitude for what you are about to receive.

Manifest money
If you want more cash, again you will need to be clear, about how much, in what time scale and what for. Write this down in detail and stay focused, and have self-belief when you write it. You need to clearly define everything to achieve what you want so that you can meditate on every aspect later.
Wanting too manifest your future?

1. Take what you have just learned from my Manifestation blog and enhance it.
2. Select a crystal on this website to empower you further, and check out which chakra it associates with.
3. Download our FREE chakra guide today!
Working with your chakras will:
- Keep you on track with your manifestation
- Keep you motivated
- Keep you tuned in to change
Send a message out to the universe to manifest your desires
Why meditate to manifest?
Try to include meditation as part of your practice as it is a method of aiding concentration and is a great time for reflection too. You don’t need to sit cross-legged in a dark room to meditate, you just need a quiet moment to hone in, so you have clarity of vision. This will also promote wellness, so it’s a win-win.
Staying positive
By staying upbeat you will naturally raise your vibration and power. Cultivating activities that make you happy and healthy; be that walking in the hills, mindfulness, or volunteering for a cause will promote wellness and a healthy mind and outlook, so you can stay the course and proceed methodically with your plan to succeed.

Use affirmations to succeed
Affirmations are really positive. I have used them many times to promote self-belief. Read my 29 Affirmations for self-esteem and to achieve goals. Once you have your agenda for what you want to achieve create an affirmation that you can repeat every day to keep the thought in the front of your mind. Remember to extend thanks to the universe within your affirmation.
An example of an affirmation might be: I give thanks for all that I have and ask the universe to help me to achieve success, as I diligently work towards it.
Remember to show gratitude
No one likes an arrogant person. It’s ok to have your aspirations and you might well tread on a few toes to get to the top, but you’ll need to have people behind you to succeed.
The universe is energy-based and being arrogant or lying or cheating creates bad energy which will not only come back on you – but will also destroy your wish for success.
Manifest a long-term relationship

How open are you to receiving your manifestation?
This might sound contentious, but you really have to believe in the goal you have actioned, or you’ll let it pass you by.
A girlfriend of mine literally manifested the man of her dreams and all of the limitations she set were met. She had said she wanted dependable, attentive, and a forever relationship.
The guy was in her words, ‘drop dead gorgeous’; and yet she backed off, as he admitted that he wanted to settle down and she suddenly realised she wasn’t ready! Sounds insane, but she wasn’t prepared to accept for the reality she manifested.
How quickly can I manifest a long-term relationship?
This depends a little on how big the ask is. If we are talking about the laws of attraction again, perhaps you would like the guy in your class to text you and ask for a date – then between 24 hours and 7 days.

For a relationship allow 1-7 weeks
Like I said above, write your aspirations and dream the whole scenario until it consolidates your thinking. Only then will you be ready to receive the person you are looking for. 1-7 weeks is realistic as you really want to get this right first time.
How can I magnify the power of my manifestation?

Once you have written your goal, which we talked about above, then you can think about things daily.
I think daydreams, which are like meditation, are a great way to lose an hour and to test out the beauty of the end result, to ‘try it on for size’.
You can also set an ‘intention’ using clear quartz as a conduit, and then carry it with you daily so that ‘intention’ stays with you.
For those wanting to find love, try out living with that ‘dependable’ partner (if that’s what you wish for), and experiment with your new life. I did this when I was manifesting my partner, and even threw in a few virtual arguments! It was fun and interesting, and obviously, we came out of the arguments a stronger couple as our attraction grew, as our respect for each other did.
Maybe also look at the Red crystals: 20 Red colour crystals – meanings and benefits blog, as these crystals can be used for increasing energy to manifest love. Rhodochrosite, in particular, will enable you to find your ‘soul mate’, as it will elevate your perception of the higher mind.

With cash or items, you want to manifest, you simply need to believe. Actually, see the item or the cash in your mind-eye and see how you’d use it and/or what you’d use it for. I find following along with this kind of daydream useful to get to grips with whether I really really want something, or if it’s just a whim.

If you have big plans, to become rich for example, be realistic, some wishes can take years, but if you are willing to mediate continuously over those years, and feel gratitude that you will succeed, then stay the course and believe in making your success real.
Yellow crystals are useful for attracting money as they symbolise wisdom, if you looking to become successful in business, their intelligent energies will help.
Believe you deserve to manifest
With a money manifestation, when it starts to come true, you might have to get to grips with the guilt you feel for becoming successful.
It sounds weird, but many entrepreneurs do struggle with the guilt when things drop into place, and it all seems to come too easily.
They forget the actions they took to build the strong foundations for their success.
Use daydreaming ‘to live the dream’, get to know it. Form a belief that it will happen and magnify that thought as you begin to embody the story. Don’t get too far ahead though, as you’ll miss out on the beauty of the journey.

Final thoughts – does manifestation really work?
If you look at successful people, they follow their plans and put all their energy and belief into practice. They often say, ‘I always knew it would happen eventually’, frankly most put years of work in before things took off for them – the reality is that they believed in their desires which aided their quest, as well as actually striving for it.
Good luck and may the universe bless and guide you.